West Slope Water Summit Photo of Audience

Speaker Lineup for the West Slope Water Summit

Schedule for the 2022 West Slope Water Summit on November 10th, 2022

πŸ’¦8:00 – 8:15am Early Bird Coffee & Bagels

πŸ’¦8:15-8:30am Welcome and Introduction
πŸ’¦8:30-9:30am Andy Mueller, Executive Director of Colorado River District
-Adapting the 1922 Compact to Today’s Reality
πŸ’¦9:30-10:30am Don Day, Meteorologist Day Weather Inc.
-State of the Weather: The Good, the bad, and the ugly.
πŸ’¦10:30-10:45am Break
πŸ’¦10:45am – 12pm Uncompahgre Valley Water Users Association
-Update to the Colorado River Basin Drought Response – Steve Pope
-Panel with board members of the water users
πŸ’¦12pm – 1pm Lunch and Greg Walcher, Heartland Institute
-Why Water Unites and Divides
πŸ’¦1pm – 2pm Vineetha Kartha Central Arizona Project Program Manager
-Building Resiliency
πŸ’¦2pm – 3pm Perry Cabot, Water Resources Specialist, Colorado State University

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